We have now arranged a guide (compulsory) to spend 2.5 weeks with us, taking us to restricted areas, so our adventures continue! Getting directions Home on the range With Muugi, a 25yr old Mongolian, we head east through Genghis Khan lands, towards the Strictly Protected Area of Nomrod. We do not have permits yet – they are to be flown out to us, at Choibalsan. 2 days hard drive brings us there – and no permits! They will arrive by plane 2 days later. Frustration! Shades of China! When we get the permit, it does not include the Nomrod area! Apparently 2 Germans camped there recently, and didn’t extinguish their fire, which caught alight! We camp at a huge lake, and watch camels and horses... The lake has China at northern side. Then we head to the site of the Mongolian/Japanese war. The Russians assisted Mongolia, who defeated Japan. Apparently, WWII could have had different outcome if the Japanese had not been defeated here, as then they turned their attention away from Europe, ...
Can't wait to follow this adventure - lots of udpates please, including video on your fancy blogging camera :)
At last I managed (I think) to work out how this blog thing works. A great site and excellently put together. We are envious of your adventures but thoroughly enjoying our vacarious trip; keep the bulletins coming!