Blog 2 - Thailand to Cambodia
11.6.10 Driving into Bangkok, we realise we have lost 2 trucks! Kym & Michael have been “apprehended” at a toll bridge. We are about 3 kms ahead, and wait for 1/2hr till they catch us up. The Inspector fined them for going thru the ‘wrong’ lanes!! The “fine” started at 2000 bhat for 2 trucks, but Kym eventually negotiated the bribe which went into the Inspector’s top pocket, to 250bh each!!. 15.6.10 Border Crossing CAMBODIA – arrive 10:00 and join the queue at Poi Pet. Every manner of transportation imaginable! Hilarious! Many many handpushed carts, loaded incredibly high, and it is swelteringly hot again. Three checkpoints leaving Thailand – We are in & out of our trucks, struggling with the language - emigration; trucks papers cancelled; passports & Customs; then through the gates, and start all over again for entering Cambodia. 4 different offices – immigration separately for us, and our trucks; Customs, Passport control, and after a 2.5hrs struggle, we are on our way! W...